In my eyes, eating local has always meant eating fruits and vegetables that a freshly grown. In order to qualify as "fresh" these fruits and vegetables should be chemical (preservative) free and not genetically modified. It makes sense in my mind that food that was truly fresh should not be coming out of a wrapper, or a factory for that matter.
Growing up in Hong Kong, a city where majority of things are imported, It wasn't until recently that we were able to properly eat fresh. Supermarkets carried mainly genetically modified fruits and vegetables until the recent fad of eating fresh attracted markets for organic fruits and vegetables. My mother however, always went out of her way to find organic food for our family. She would order fruits, vegetables, milk and chicken online from around the world just to ensure they were chemical free. While these goods were organic, they failed to be sustainable because of the carbon footprint created in order for us to receive them. Fresh food should be something one is able to get the same day, or in one day, not something that is shipped and driven all around the world.
Grade: check!